BarĂ¹kas Truffle


  • 2 cups of pitted jumbo dates
  • 5 chopped apricots
  • 50g of BarĂ¹kas flour (blend BarĂ¹kas nuts in the blender until they turn into flour)
  • Half a 60% cocoa bar

BarĂ¹kas nuts

  1. 1 teaspoon powdered coconut milk
  2. How to prepare:
  3. Process the dates in a seedless processor.
  4. After processing, place it in a bowl and add the barukas flour, chopped apricot, the melted chocolate.
  5. Stir until you get the consistency to roll.
  6. After rolling it take it to the freezer for a few minutes. Serve cold with the BarĂ¹kas nuts on top.