Barukas Pumpkin Bread

You will need:

  • 6 oz of flaxseed meal 
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • 6 oz of Barùkas nut meal 
  • 3 oz of hydrated Barùkas pulp meal 
  • 3.5 oz of boiled pumpkin cubes
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil or oil of choice for baking and ½ tablespoon for greasing the mold

Who’s ready?

  • Cut pumpkin into cubes and boil until soft.
  • Remove and drain 
  • Boil water in a pot and turn it off.
  • Add flax meal and mix well until homogenous.
  • Allow to rest for 10 minutes.
  • At this time it is a good idea to preheat the oven to 420 F. Using a food processor or high-speed blender make the dehydrated pulp and Barùkas meals. 
  • Place in a bowl and add salt, cinnamon, and coconut oil.
  • Place into a blender the hydrated flax meal and pumpkin and blend may need to add extra liquid.
  • Add blended flax meal and pumpkin to the Barùkas meal mix and combine After well-combined, place into the pre-greased mold and into the oven.

Bake for 15-20 minutes Remove when baked and ENJOY!!